LinkedIn Creative Portfolio

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With over 810 million profiles in more than 200 countries, LinkedIn is the premier job searching and professional social media platform. For most, the job search and talent sourcing is synonymous with the services offered by LinkedIn. Over 48 million people search for jobs on the platform a day. According to LinkedIn, the highest in demand skill is creativity.

Timeline: Two Weeks
Role: UX/UI Designer
Team: Erika McWhinnieRon Khoury


create a profile or
view profile as recruiter

The Challenge
Although creativity is the in demand skill, LinkedIn limits the possibilities for makers and creatives to showcase their work on site. To address the needs of creative job seekers and creative recruiters alike, my team and I designed an internal portfolio solution to display projects, rich media, and more on LinkedIn in a meaningful way. 

This feature will help creatives show their value to recruiters, and help recruiters find creatives more efficiently, in turn driving user interactions on site.
The Process
Research & Synthesize

-user survey
-affinity mapping
-"I" statements
-user personas
-problem statement
-"how might we" questions
-competitive analysis
-current state audit


-solution statement
-principles & style guide
-site mapping
-user flow

Test & Implement

-usability testing
-a/b testing
-design iteration
-high fidelity prototype

The Outcome

Our fully integrated approach to displaying rich media content on LinkedIn will give creatives & recruiters a better solution to showcase & review portfolio content.

Research & Synthesize

survey resondents
Creatives interviewed
Recruiters who hire
for creative positions
personas constructed
Affinity Mapping

We compiled observations & quotes from survey results & interview and organized them into an affinity map.

Users want simple, customizable solutions to show off their creative work to recruiters.


Two sides of the same coin: both creative jobseekers & creative recruiters alike would benefit from creative solutions on site.

Problem Statements

  • The Creative Jobseeker needs a way to display their creative work seamlessly on LinkedIn so that they can connect to the creative community & advance their career.
  • The Creative Recruiter needs a way to review candidate’s creative work so that they can match them to company roles expeditiously.

How might we...

  • better integrate a portfolio solution into LinkedIn?
  • encourage creative professionals to connect via LinkedIn?
  •  increase and retain new users to LinkedIn?
  • help the Creative Jobseeker get their portfolio in front of recruiters?
  • offer a solution that is customizable but also fits in the LinkedIn brand identity?

The Competition

Job Sites

Indeed, Built In, Monster, Staffmeup

Overall, LinkedIn offers the most robust mix of features for jobsites. To keep the constant success and stay in front, LinkedIn needs to make the platform accessible to all industries. Adding a Portfolio section will help achieve that. Staffmeup (left) has the best hosting options for rich media, and is visible on the profile.

Portfolio Hosting Sites

Behance, Dribble, Coroflot

Portfolio hosting sites are content forward and display clear CTAs to connect with the jobseeker. Coroflot (right) offers a clear and simple interface that allows for creative freedom while staying searchable.

Current Site Audit

Through the featured section, LinkedIn users can add photos, videos, and blog posts, but the feature is very limiting. The feature only allows for certain file types (which are not listed on the site) and is not optimized for visual content.
Only 1 out of 5 of creatives interviewed present content in this way on LinkedIn.
5 out of 5 interviewed said they would use a creative portfolio hosted on LinkedIn to find jobs.
An example of a sketch displayed in "Featured", here 👉


What does LinkedIn want to communicate with this feature?

Solution Statement

The portfolio section will provide creatives with the space they need to show off their work to recruiters and advance their careers
A win-win for LinkedIn & Users: Achieving these two solutions in our design will lead to a higher revenue potential for LinkedIn and more efficient job placement on the platform.

Design Principles & Style Guide

Community typeface (Source sans pro), rounded tiles, and LinkedIn Blue.

We prioritized solutionizing within LinkedIn’s current site, style guide, and brand identity to seamlessly add a creative content option to the well established site. 



Inspired by the research & client goals, we began the design process with some sketches:

Sketches Introduced:

Mid-Fi Prototype

The Mid-FI Introduced:

Portfolio Page

Profile Page

Test & Implement

Usability & A/B Testing

At first, we called the new feature “Retrospective” because the design team thought that the term “Portfolio” may not be inclusive of certain media like blog posts or code. A “Retrospective” means to look back upon past situations, and may be more inclusive. Due to their positioning, LinkedIn also may have enough influence to introduce feature affordances and define their own signifiers (such as Retrospective as the name). We put it to the test.

In, Mid-fi usability testing, we A/B tested “Retrospective” vs “Portfolio”. Two identical Mid-fi prototypes were presented to users, the only difference was the feature name throughout the prototype.

Results: 2/2 of the users who tested the “Retrospective” prototype had difficulty finding the feature & inquired about the name. After the test, all 5 users from A & B said they preferred portfolio over retrospective. Portfolio it was then.

High Fidelity Prototype

Let's take some Mid-Fi Prototype Deltas & turn them into Pluses

Mid-Fi Delta

Large tile for one featured project on the profile page. 

Hi-Fi Plus

View multiple projects on the profile page without taking up too much space. Show don’t tell approach to content on profile, additional information available on Portfolio by clicking on project. Click through directly to the project on the Portfolio.

Mid-Fi Delta

Portfolio owners want a way to organize and display their projects and content.

Hi-Fi Plus

Added a feature to profile toggle, portfolio sub-navigation for project categories, change order.

Mid-Fi Delta

Creatives want confirmation of success when uploading content.

Hi-Fi Plus

Added UX writing to verify success when advancing through the flow.

Mid-Fi Delta

Recruiters and third parties need to move easily between Profile and Portfolio.

Hi-Fi Plus

Add additional CTAs to Global navigation to move the user back to the Profile.

Mid-Fi Delta

Users want to be able to choose when their content is visible.

Hi-Fi Plus

Save as draft feature for blog posts & view on profile toggle so users can add, work on their content, & publish when it is ready. 

Next Steps

  • Responsive Design to Mobile. 57% of LinkedIn’s total traffic comes from Mobile devices.
  • Add additional media types & consider how to display. Music, podcasts, audiobooks come to mind.
  • Integrate the Portfolio into the "Easy Apply" feature. Allow creatives to add their portfolio or parts of their portfolio to job applications quickly.