Ahoy! I’m Dan Enzminger and my story is about Valuation to Creation.

I find great satisfaction in thinking critically and helping people to grow. In my last role, I used data analysis and research to valuate products and features. I now use data analysis and research to create products and features.

I am looking to work in a collaborative setting with wave makers and solutionists to create meaningful experiences.

When the design day ends, I enjoy predicting pitch sequences in baseball games, making the extra pass in recreational soccer, skiing laps on Siberia Bowl, terraforming in my fish tank, and biking through Golden Gate Park.

Get in touch! I’d love to hear your story, talk design turkey, work experiences, or exchange food recommendations. Whatever is on your mind.

Book Time on My CalendlyFeed my fish

Pre-UX Dan

My previous post-grad experience was three years at Berkeley Research Group as a Litigation Consultant (Read: Economic Analysis for Lawyers). As consultant at Berkeley Research Group, I used my tenacious work ethic and market research and financial analysis skills to develop into a highly successful asset on the firm’s largest cases.

Smart Home
Connected Fitness